Promoting Partnerships To Improve Veterans’ Health

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Albany Research Institute, Inc.

Contact Information

Name: Sophia Pallone

Title: Executive Director

Tel: 518-626-5622                              



Albany Research Institute

113 Holland Ave.

Albany, NY 12208

Affiliated Medical Center

Not Affiliated

Total Number of Unique Patients: 29,000

Research Square Feet: 21,427 square feet

Number of Principal Investigators: 20

Major Areas of Research

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal Health
  • Genomics
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Kidney Disease
  • Mental Health
  • Pain Management
  • Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD)
  • Spinal Cord Injury

Brief Description

Albany Research Institute (ARI) is a New York State 501(c) (3) Not-for-Profit Corporation that was created pursuant to sections 7361-7368 of Title 38, United States Code (USC). This corporations exists solely to facilitate research and education at the Stratton VA Medical Center by acting as a flexible funding mechanism. ARI is staffed by an Executive Director who administers all clinical trials and works with the President and Clinical Research Coordinators to gain IRB approval for all trials.

The Stratton VA Medical Center opened in 1951 and serves Veterans in 22 counties of upstate New York, western Massachusetts and Vermont. The primary care program provides services at this facility as well as in 11 community-based outpatient clinics. The Stratton VA Medical Center provides specialized medical services such as cardiac catheterization, cardiac rehabilitation, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, stereotactic radiosurgery, hospice/palliative care, adult day heath care, post-traumatic stress disorder, compensated work therapy, memory clinic, geriatric assessment, nursing home and respite care. It offers a Women Veterans Health Program that addresses a variety of health care needs specific to women Veterans. Services include gynecology, bone density screening and on-site mammography. There is also extensive diagnostic laboratory medicine and radiology including computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.

1717 K ST NW Suite 900

Washington, DC 20006

FEIN: 52-1784596

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