Contact InformationName: Carolyn Brown Title: Executive Director Tel: 859-233-4511 x.5240 Email: Lexington Biomedical Research Institute
1101 Veterans Drive Room C-307 Lexington, KY 40502 Affiliated Medical CenterVA Medical Center Lexington Kentucky Total Number of Unique Patients: Research Square Feet: 25,749 Number of Principal Investigators: 8 | Major Areas of Research
The Lexington Biomedical Research Institute (LBRI) works with a group of dedicated Lexington VA Medical Center physicians who strive to provide the highest quality of care for their patients. These physicians value the substantial opportunities that clinical trials can provide their patients and the community at large. LBRI was established in 1992 as a 501(c)(3) to work with the Lexington VA Medical Center to facilitate clinical research. However LBRI was not activated until 2012. Each year since our activation we have continued to grow with an increase in clinical trials. We have an excellent track record for efficient legal, IRB and R&D review process.