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ASCO Merit Award for VA fellow/oncology trainee

20 Dec 2017 11:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

New for the 2018 ASCO Annual Meeting, there will be a Merit Award for a VA fellow/oncology trainee.  The Conquer Cancer Foundation Merit Awards are awarded to fellows/oncology trainees whose research is addressed in high-quality abstracts submitted to the ASCO Annual Meeting and recognized for its scientific merit. 


For the purposes of this award, a VA fellow or oncology trainee is someone:

(1) who has performed work at a Veterans Affairs facility or,

(2) whose research describes Veterans Affairs patients, or

(3) who uses data from Veterans Affairs in his or her research.

Your abstract must demonstrate one of the above qualifying criteria AND be selected as high-quality for scientific merit. 


The deadline for abstract submissions for the ASCO Annual Meeting is February 13, 2018.

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