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NAVREF Association Update Message

10 Jun 2022 1:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

A Word from the NAVREF Interim CEO

Dear NAVREF Family,

I’d like to thank you for entrusting me to be an interim steward of the association as we enter new beginnings. The past 8 years of NAVREF knowledge will go into good use during this time.

In the past month, NAVREF has worked on improving processes internally so that we can better focus on strengthening existing relationships within our community and with our external stakeholders. As we move into the next 30 days, the community will begin to see the fruits of our labor. Enhancements like the modernization to how we approach membership renewals, and empowerment of the Industry Partner Consortium’s mission are just small examples of what we are working towards. The update you will read below only touches the surface of what we intend to make happen, and with the June newsletter we will take a deeper dive into what is next. One highlight we all can look forward to is the upcoming and reimagined 30th NAVREF Conference which is going to be filled with new elements and surprises.

I am truly humbled by your trust in me, and alongside with our strong NAVREF team, we will all work hard to prepare our association for what the future holds. 

NAVREF Membership Renewals

It’s June and that means it’s time for NAVREF Membership Renewals for the 2022-2023 year. Please use this link to complete your online renewal application.

OGC Position on Clinical Trial Insurance

OGC STAR was asked to provide guidance on whether the VA-affiliated Nonprofit Corporations (NPCs) should obtain clinical trial insurance to offset VA’s potential expenses resulting from injury to subjects participating in VA-approved research studies. STAR concluded that NPCs should not obtain clinical trial insurance. VA conducts the research, not the NPC. NPCs have no authority to make agreements for VA, such as purchasing insurance for VA. (see attachment)


Nomination season is upon us! The criteria for nominees have been simplified so please submit your nominations via our new online form here.

Board Nominations

NAVREF has several board positions opening in the coming months! Please apply asap if you are considering a position. The following board positions are available:

·       Medical Center Director

·       ACOS-E

·       Executive Director (two positions becoming available)

·       Class B

Upcoming Training – SAVE THE DATES

·       June 16 at 2 PM ET - Preparing for the NPPO Review Webinar

·       July 14 and 15, 1-4 PM ET - Post Award Grant Management Virtual Training by SRAI

·       July 28 and 29, 1-4 PM ET - Pre Award Grant Management Virtual Training by SRAI

·       July 20 at 2 PM ET - NAVREF Advocacy Course Part 1 of 3: The NAVREF Advocacy Agenda

NPPO Reminder

Please prepare for your NPPO reviews by thoroughly reading the letter and materials sent by NPPO ahead of time. Their office would appreciate your cooperation and will ease the time NPPO spends at the NPC.

New Staff and Volunteer

You will notice a couple of new names flying around NAVREF. Please welcome:

Peter Martin, Program Support Specialist

David Grajales, Volunteer

30th NAVREF Annual Conference

Registration is now open for our annual conference. Please click here to learn more about our event and to register. The preliminary agenda has also been posted on our conference page so please check out the information and let us know if you have any questions!

IRS Increase in Mileage Reimbursement

The IRS has increased the mileage reimbursement rate for 2022.  The rate announced starting January 1, 2022 was 58.5 per mile.  Starting July 1, 2022 it is 62.5. 

IRS increases mileage rate for remainder of 2022 | Internal Revenue Service

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